00:00 / 00:00VIDEOSEMBEDCLOSEMusical Youth - Pass The DutchieundefinedMusical Youth - Pass The DutchieCLOSEEMBED CODE:<iframe src='www.yourwebsite.com/player/index.html' width='1000' height='520' frameborder=0 webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>undefinedSkip AdPause AdYour video will resume in00:00Advertisement 0 0 0 0 0 0 × Send to friends Name Email Message https://www.80s90s.uk/video/musical-youth-pass-the-dutchie/ × Embed code https://www.80s90s.uk/embed/1192 × Video link https://www.80s90s.uk/video/musical-youth-pass-the-dutchie/ × Add to playlist 1982PopReggae Add to favorite Musical Youth - Pass The Dutchie 9 years ago sherwick 0likes 0dislikes 0 Light Off Musical Youth had a massive Uk Number 1 with Pass The Dutchie in 1982, which also made the USA Top 10. They never scaled those dizzy heights again, but at least they made it! SHOW MORE